We know our communities of care are being effected by a rapid and changing environment. We understand that developing a culture of care with front line staff is a high leverage point for communities and commodities in order to attract, retain and grow the brand as well as address the transitional needs. We provide front line staff, supervisors and managers with deep, rich learning experiences that translate into immediate benefits and build capacity.
“Your brand is formed primarily, not by what your company says about itself, but what the company does." (Jeff Bezos)

Acquisition in the business of Community Care and Services comes from referrals not just good marketing. Building community culture prior to occupancy, increasing sales itself through staff training and retreats, or facilitating innovative marketing practices, this is the GET.

Retention is crucial in Community impact industries. Decreasing turnover of clients and staff, increasing satisfaction within your community's network and on the front line, and maintaining healthy aging, healthy staff are keys to effective retention, this is the KEEP.

Transition is the lost panacea of Community Care. People age, diseases progress, technology changes. As a result, the demands on communities of care will outgrow the skills and capacity of your people. Reduce distress, mitigate risk, pre-empt new legislation and increase referrals even at this tenuous junction, this is the GO.
Whether you need to create a community culture, shift an issue or conflict, or push to excellence
we tailor programs specific to your needs
Discovery Development Implementation Sustainability
Workshop Examples:
Inter-Dependence of Community Engagement (Care, Concern and Belonging)
O.W.L. - Observe, Wait, Listen (Team Training)
Core Values, Esteem Heart (Team Training)
Reflective Listening, Effective Management
Introduction to Bereavement and Living Grief
Living Grief: 5 Phases of Family Caregivers Profound Journey of Ongoing Loss
Develop Relationship Tools for Navigating a Client's Loss (Home, Health, Life)
Strengthen Inter-Generational Communication Skills
Older Adults' Behavioural Management (Aging in Community)
Older Adults' Creative Engagement Workshop: Living Grief and Sock Monkey Therapy (Residents, Caregivers, Staff, Train the Trainer)
Project Planning and Communication Techniques: Mind Mapping Techniques: (Train the Trainer)
O.W.L. - Observe, Wait, Listen (Team Training)
Core Values, Esteem Heart (Team Training)
Reflective Listening, Effective Management
Introduction to Bereavement and Living Grief
Living Grief: 5 Phases of Family Caregivers Profound Journey of Ongoing Loss
Develop Relationship Tools for Navigating a Client's Loss (Home, Health, Life)
Strengthen Inter-Generational Communication Skills
Older Adults' Behavioural Management (Aging in Community)
Older Adults' Creative Engagement Workshop: Living Grief and Sock Monkey Therapy (Residents, Caregivers, Staff, Train the Trainer)
Project Planning and Communication Techniques: Mind Mapping Techniques: (Train the Trainer)